Thursday, March 6, 2025

Savi Jade

Bengal Savannah Mix

Savi Jade

Female/ DOB May 5, 2021 May 24, 2021
Tag# 606340258
Breed: Bengal/Savannah
She prefers a quieter environment.
Jade is being re-homed after her recent adoption. She is just grumpy, and not favorable toward a busy, robust home. Her adoptive family are caring for her, well.
Jade will thrive in a less robust home, i.e. she did well with one child, but three was too many for her. Brother, Archer, is happy with his new home. He plays with the children.
Jade uses her litter box, and eats well. She is healthy. She loves her time with Mom and Dad. She loves climbing, so vertical space is important.


The image of grandeur and dignity, Savannah cats might fool you with their wildcat appearance as they like nothing more than interacting with their owners and on top of that, they also really enjoy domestic life. Savannah cats make excellent companions as long as they’re socialized from kittenhood, but given their inquisitive and attention-demanding nature, they’d be better suited to more experienced owners.

Developed in the 1980s by crossing Serval cats (a wild African cat with large ears and striking markings) with domestic cats. The Savannah Cat is only recognised by the TICA (The International Cat Association) and the permitted domestic breeds for crossbreeding with Servals are the Egyptian Mau, the Ocicat, the Oriental Shorthair, and the Domestic Shorthair. Some breeders have been known to use Bengals for stronger spotting, and Maine Coon for a longer coat.

The size and appearance of even the first cross can be variable, in subsequent generations, size tends to drop and markings become even more variable.

The first crosses are bred again to one another and the second generation can then be considered a domestic cat.

Bengal Cat

The Bengal is a sleek, muscular cat with a wild appearance, enhanced by the bold marbling and spotting on their thick, luxurious coat. Despite their striking appearance, physically there is nothing extreme about their build or structure, as this is a well-balanced cat without any exaggerated features, smallish ears, wedge shaped head, neat paws and athletic outline.

The Bengal is a relatively modern cat, developed in the 1990s in the USA by crossing the Asian Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis; a small, strikingly marked wild cat from South West Asia) with the domestic tabby cats and other short haired breeds such as the Abyssinian, Burmese, and Egyptian Mau. The original objective was to produce a pet cat with a sweet nature and resembling miniature leopard, as an alternative to dissuade people from keeping wild cats as pets. Prospective owners of Bengal kittens should note the ‘F number’, which indicates how many generations the kittens are away from the first cross. Be aware that a F1 (first cross between the wild cat and the domestic cat) requires a Dangerous Wild Animal Licence in the UK, however F2 onwards does not.